Super Summer Spectacular 2017 a Success!

The soul survivors sit and converse after a huge lunch.
On Thursday and Friday, June 1st and 2nd, Four State Maintenance Supply hosted an event for its customers that allowed them to participate in drawings, roam vendor booths to learn about products and services, sample products, learn about our budgeting program, and strengthen relationships with our salesmen and internal staff.
For most, closing out the show meant eating a lunch cooked by one of the owners, Tim Roberts, on our Green Mountain Grill: pulled pork and ribs!
With approximately 80 customers attending, six vendor representatives, and over 20 of our own staff, the event proved to be informational, fun, and a great experience for everyone.
While this event takes place once a year, we have no problem showing you our office and warehouse! If you’d like to know what we’re all about, give us a call to let us know, and we’ll be glad to show you around.